Scientific Software
Volcano Monitoring Software
Real Native Software, Not A Web Subset
what is tiltsoft
who is it?
Steve Jordi Picture at Lost Lake, Oregon with Mt Hood Volcano in the background
Steve at Lost Lake in front of Mt Hood Volcano (Oregon, USA)

TiltSoft™ was originally created by Steve Jordi, a Swiss Geophysicist specialized in volcano monitoring (Nicaragua, Alaska, Philippines, Indonesia, Japan, USA, Guatemala… and more).

He started software development back in 1980 at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne, Switzerland, and walked the path to a University M.Sc. in Geophysics, from the University of Geneva.

As his skills improved overtime, he was more and more involved in specific software developments ways outside his initial scope, and his products now run on Windows, Mac OS/X, iOS, Linux and Android platforms.

Steve is now involved in cross-platform DVD Databases, CRM (Customer Relation Manager), Private Residence Rentals and many other projects.

His passion reflects directly on TiltSoft™ relation to its customers and products.

a software partner

TiltSoft™ is a company originally specialized in computerized volcano surveillance and monitoring solutions, but it offers expertise on wider horizons than number crunching.

We provide solutions for:

  • Lists management

  • Owners Vacation rentals management

  • Freelance/SOHO time management

  • Freelance/SOHO contact management

  • Scientific applications

Our solutions are native applications for Windows 32/64, macOS, iOS and Android.

TiltSoft™ also has strong expertise in monitoring: data acquisition, data processing, data analysis, data representation.

With that strong background, we are poised to process all your needs.

Acquisition also positioned us into the emerging and fast-growing world of Internet of Things (IoT). More and more intelligent devices and beacons are spread around the world. We are ready and experienced in that field.

We also have security at heart in order to limit the threats of these new technologies in order to avoid hacking and personal data leaks.

TiltSoft - Software Development - What Is TiltSoft

We don't collect data from you, we present ours.
The only thing we register is counting which page is visited, but there is no information from you.